We left Madrid yesterday and headed to Marbella which is on the southern coast of Spain and the Mediterranean Sea.  The drive was almost all open land with beautiful green rolling hills.  It was a six hour fairly uneventful drive …….  except for this bull that kept showing up.  Like 4 times.  Not sure what it was about but I liked him 🙂 

We did break up the drive with a stop at the Mosque Cathedral in Cordoba Spain.

The Mosque Cathedral of Cordoba is the third largest mosque in the world.  It was built in the late 700’s and is currently 258,000 square feet. I did an audio tour of the mosque and it was a little hard to follow but this is what I learned: 

Once upon a time there was a prince that was exiled from Syria in the 700’s.  He came to Cordoba and declared himself ruler of Spain’s muslims.  There was a church where the mosque stands now that he had torn down so he could build this mosque.  Through the centuries, other rulers added onto the mosque making it larger each time.  Once there was a ruler that inherited the role but he was more interested in playing around and enjoying life rather than ruling and running a mosque.  So they had him replaced LOL!

There’s always one in every family right?  Can you imagine the turmoil that caused?  And how disgraceful to be fired as ruler because you are too much of a playboy.  I don’t know, I find that so much more interesting than it probably is.

The mosque was massive and so very ornate.  Billions of dollars in statues, altars, etc.  Some things were gold plated and some were solid gold. Very Impressive!!

Inside the Mosque

We arrived Marbella kind of late so we did room service.  Our room is awesome, nice and big with a beautiful view.

Brunch was a big, beautiful buffet, YUM!  Nothing too different about the food.  And once again a nice selection of pastries.  So, I kind of thought that Spain would have food like Mexico.  Not sure why I thought that but I was really looking forward to authentic rice and enchiladas.  But it’s not like that at all.  It’s more like Italian food than Mexican.  Lots of breads, but the saving grace is that they don’t seem to serve butter with any of the bread unless you ask.  And what I really like is that they don’t ask for payment, no ticket at the table.  They let you sit as long as you want and when you are ready, you let them know and they take your payment.  I’m surprised they can remember what you ordered.  They seem to have it figured out and it just seems so much more polite.

After brunch, we took a stroll around Puerto Banus Beach on the Mediterranean Sea.  We happened upon a marina that was housing some very nice yachts.  And the women that vacation here are gorgeous!!  I think I need to get my Barbie on 🙂

Another interesting fact is that Marbella Spain is only 8 nautical miles from the coast of Morocco. I had no idea!!

Aprenda algo nuevo cada dia – if we are lucky!


  1. Nancy McPherson

    Absolutely beautiful and you two look so healthy, happy and alive!! ❤️❤️

    • Denise & Kevin

      Thanks Nancy!

  2. Debbie

    Wow! Good history lesson!

    • Denise & Kevin

      Ha! Bet you love that! Brings you back to school days 🙂

  3. Mandy Harris

    Love all the stories and pictures! Your hair looks great, Denise! You don’t need a curling iron at all! Enjoy and keep the posts coming!

    • Denise & Kevin

      Thanks Mandy!

  4. Pamela Locke

    Sounds like another amazing day! ☀️ 🛥️ 👏🏻

    • Denise & Kevin

      Yea, having lots of them!

  5. Cheryl Geertson


    • Denise & Kevin

      It really was!

  6. Erin

    Remember… Eva said you looked like Barbie when your hair was in a ponytail. So you’re all set!!
    The views are incredible!
    I googled your bull… apparently called the Osborne bull, an unofficial national emblem now. How fun!

    • Trisha Bott

      Eva knows!
      Love Osborne! Thx for letting us know 🙂

      • Denise & Kevin

        I love that she looked it up! Erin is very resourceful!

  7. Barb

    Wow visual sights galore!!!

    • Denise & Kevin

      It was a beauty!

  8. What a gorgeous place to stay! I love the view. You are a premier, excellent vacation planner, Denise. Kevin, your pictures are so full of color and so clear and beautiful. Great team!

    • Denise & Kevin

      Thanks Margie! We are happy so far with the plans. The hotels have been great! All Marriotts.

    • Denise & Kevin

      It was cool! Thanks Ben!

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