April 15, 2023

It was bittersweet to leave Portugal.  We loved our experience there!  However, our next stop was Salamanca, located in the northwestern part of Spain.  When I was planning this trip, I tried to break up the driving so I scheduled a night in Salamanca before going onto Madrid.   

WOW!  What a surprise Salamanca was! It was such a treat!  It really should have been included as a “must see” city on our schedule.  Luckily, we had scheduled a Salamanca City Tour for the next day. 

So first, we have to cover the food situation. Spain has what they call “Tapas”.  When you walk into a bar there are display cases on the bar with 20+ dishes to choose from.  These are the tapas.  You can choose one or several and they scoop a small plateful up and serve drinks with them.  They are kind of like appetizers but made up to look like cakes or casseroles.


And the best part, super cheap!  Kev and I ate and had a drink each for a total of 8 euros.  That’s the equivalent of $7.35.  We enjoyed them so much we went back this morning for breakfast tapas.

Kevin enjoying his tapa

Our Salamanca Tour Guide, Mark, was super interesting.  He is from England but grew up in Germany and then moved to Salamanca 20 years ago.  He speaks 3 languages and knows a lot about the history of Salamanca.  The most interesting of all were the buildings that were built in the 15 and 1600’s.  Like ALL of them.  They are all made of sandstone which gives Salamanca the name “The Golden City”.  

There were churches and convents all over the city.  We did get a small tour of one of the convents that is still a working convent.  There aren’t nearly as many residents in the convents as there used to be. They used to house hundreds and now there may be a handful in each convent. We went into two churches that literally brought tears to my eyes.  I took the opportunity to light 3 candles, one for each of my parents and one for my sister, Darleen.  I think they would love knowing that a candle was lit for them in Spain.

Kevin has decided to slow his racing mind down and try to live life in the now for this vacation.  You would think for most people that would mean enjoying what is happening right now and right in front of you.  But Kevin chooses to tell me stories about what he thinks was going on in the exact spot we are standing or driving past during another time period.  He goes into great detail about men with carts carrying goods for trade.  He tells me how they are dressed, what they are thinking, what their goods are and how they made them.  I absolutely LOVE these stories and find them so entertaining.  

So as our tour guide was telling us what happened in different spots centuries ago, we are mesmerized.  Kevin and I are in awe!  And I think Mark, the guide is pretty impressed with himself thinking he was so fascinating 🙂

He took us to a square where men who disagreed with political leaders and other heretics were beheaded.  Note the chopping block below.  It was very eerie standing in this spot knowing what went on so many years ago.

On a lighter note, in Salamanca, this is the weekend of “Lunes de Agua” which means water Monday.  It is a celebration that takes place every year two Mondays after Easter.  Family and friends that once lived in Salamanca come back to celebrate by having a picnic on Rio Tormes.  

Join me in wishing the people of this lovely city…….Feliz Lunes de Agua


  1. Jillian Bailey

    Love this! What a cool thing to do for Grandma, Grandpa and Auntie Darleen! Cool spot!

    • Denise & Kevin

      I thought so too! It was a little emotional for me but I’m glad I did it.

  2. Debbie

    I gather Kevin made the city tour, this time! Lol

    • Denise & Kevin

      LOL! Yes he made this one.

  3. Otto III


    • Denise & Kevin

      Thanks Otto!

  4. Cindy Potts

    Loving your travel stories…and your photos!! I loved that you lit candles for your family, I lit a candle for my Mom in Paris, at the cathedral there, it was a beautiful moment.❤️ thank you for sharing!!

    • Denise & Kevin

      It was a beautiful moment for me as well.

  5. Spencer Bailey

    I was a little hesitant reading your blog after Erin said you and Kevin split up do to lack of parking. I’m glad to hear you’re still alive. Good call lighting the candles, I like that! Stay safe!

    • Denise & Kevin

      And you will be glad to know that Spain also drives on the same side of the road as us. So far, no driving concerns.

  6. Linda

    Noticed that in addition to traveling through six countries. You are also enjoying eating through the countries. That makes it so great! Right up our alley.

    • Denise & Kevin

      The food so far has been amazing! I can only imagine what Italy will be like.

  7. Brent

    What a fun trip! Interesting celebration. Being a UPer I figure Kevin enjoyed a hornazo?
    Looking forward to future installments of your adventure!

    • Denise & Kevin

      Yea we saw some hornazos. I told Kevin they look like the pasties from the UP. He makes those at home 🙂

  8. Barb

    When ‘Em, Kirsten and I visited Spain together there was so much to enjoy and learn. I too loved our meals and the wine!

    • Denise & Kevin

      It’s a different world for sure. So much to learn!

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