Busy Day!

We left Siena (Tuscany) and headed for Rome.  The drive was about three hours and was filled with beautiful scenery.  The countryside was lush green.  Spring has sprung here in Italy and everything is that baby green color.  Just gorgeous!

Italy has these stops along the highway, sort of like a truck stop, with these restaurants called “Autogrill”.  They are pretty wonderful.  They have a section for hot drinks, such as espresso, hot cocoa, etc., a section for burgers and steaks, of course a bakery section with all kinds of yummy baked goods, a sandwich section, a section for pizza which is mostly focaccia bread made into different kinds of pizzas and a pasta section.  Whatever you might be in the mood for!

I know you foodies probably hate this, but we love to eat at these stops!!  And it seems like we are so on the go, driving from city to city, trying to catch these excursions that time is sometimes a factor and these stops are just what we need.  The one thing I think is a little weird is the bakers at these stops love nutella.  They make croissants and fill them with chocolate nutella.  Just seems to me like it kind of cheapens these wonderful fresh baked goods.  I mean, isn’t nutella like chocolate peanut butter?  Weird right?

Anyhow, today was a big day!  We got to Rome, checked into our hotel, and ran out for our excursion/tour of the day.  We did the Rome tour that you just have to do.  The Sistene Chapel, The Vatican Museum and St. Peter’s Basilica.

St. Peter’s Basilica View from our hotel balcony.

The Vatican Museum

The Vatican Museum was founded in 1506 by Pope Julius II.  It displays collections of paintings/Renaissance Art, statues/sculptures, tapestries, etc. owned by the Catholic Church.  These collections are estimated to be worth around 15 billion euros or a little more than $15 billion dollars.

The current pope is Pope Jorge Mario Bergoglio.  He has been the pope since Pope Benedict stepped down in 2013.  The Pope lives within the Vatican walls.

This is about all I know about the Vatican and the Pope.  

It is Vatican/Pope 101.  

Our tour guide, Juliano, was full of information about the Vatican Museum but he had a super strong Italian accent that was very difficult to understand.  But I think the pieces on display speak for themselves.  You be the judge.

The Sistine Chapel & Michaelangelo

Sistene Chapel 101.

The Sistene Chapel was built between 1473 and 1481.  During this time there was a group of Renaissance painters that created a series of paintings within the Sistene Chapel, about the Life of Moses and the Life of Christ.  The paintings were completed in 1482, the first mass was held and the chapel was dedicated to the Virgin Mary.

In the early 1500’s, Michaelangelo painted the chapel’s ceiling and shortly after, he painted “The Last Judgment”.  The ceiling is one of the major artitistic accomplishments in history.  Although we were able to go into the Sistene Chapel for a short time, we were not allowed to take pictures.

St. Peter’s Basilica

The last stop of the tour was St. Peter’s Basilica.  Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous!!!  And here’s the really cool part………. mass was starting.

Kevin and I went to mass at St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome, Italy!!

St. Peter’s Basilica 101

Construction on this church began in 1506 and was finished in 1626.  It is the most well-known church in the world and the largest church (interior).  They say that St. Peter is buried under the high altar of the basilica.  Many popes have also been interred there.


After the tour, we jumped into a taxi to take us to the nearest Apple store.  Apparently, I left my computer charger at a hotel somewhere and my computer was just about out of battery.  So I got a charger with an Italian plug on it which is great right?  Until I get back to the U.S.  I’m not sure, it might be ok but we will have to see.

The taxi driver pulled a fast one on us.  The charge was 38 euros.  We gave him a 50, he gave us back a 10 and said the charge was 38.  So we gave him another 50.  But I know I saw that first 50.  Whatever dude!  He has to live with himself.


We went back to the hotel for dinner and met a really nice couple from Tennessee that came to Rome for 3 days before sailing to France and Barcelona. 

Here’s a picture of Kevin’s dinner.  Take a close look!  Why would anybody want to eat that?  Crazy right? It’s like the ocean is on his plate. I think there’s a seahorse in there somewhere 🙂

Buon Appetito!!



  1. Karan

    Rome is wonderful! Take your time and see it all. So happy you’re having such a great trip.

    • Denise & Kevin

      We added a day so we can see more!

  2. Nancy McPherson

    So, so very beautiful!! The architecture is stunning! Enjoy the journey.

    • Denise & Kevin

      Rome is full of architecture and history!

  3. Erin

    Wow, gorgeous!!!!
    I love love love how you’re getting out and seeing everything and learning so much!! What an experience of a lifetime!!
    Kevin’s plate does not look very tasty. Is that octopus tentacle!? Did he enjoy it??

    • Denise & Kevin

      We are seeing so much! He loved his octopus and seahorse 🙂

  4. Catherine McNaughton

    You really had a full day. I’m sorry you got ripped off. I’m with you on the Autogrill, my kind of food. Kevin’s dish, not so much. I can see my father though having the same meal.

    I’m glad you were able to share your experiences with the American couple who were so nice.

    • Denise & Kevin

      Yes Kevin is becoming his father.

  5. Cheryl Geertson

    I laughed out loud at your description of Kevin’s dinner.
    So glad you made it to Rome and loved seeing your photos. Truly stunning!
    Did your guide point out the mosaic art made of a bizillion pieces that look just like paintings?

    • Denise & Kevin

      Yes he did! Wasn’t that something?

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